migrate franchise plan into agency
under review
I totally agree, in this way you can't work with multiple locations, furthermore the same problem, described differently, is reported in this request (https://bmrng.canny.io/roadmap/p/dont-allow-managers-to-see-all-customers-data-in-other-locations)..because the new customer search button recently inserted in appscanner doesn't allow you to work with multiple locations because the managers via app scanner see everyone's customers... this way it can't work!!!!!
Simo Saad
Any updates about migration?
Nadezhda Nagaeva
under review
Nadezhda Nagaeva what is the result of the 8-week review? Is it now a planned feature request or ignored?
Hello Nadezhda Nagaevacan you give us some details please?
Simo Saad
It's an urgent update, I really can't work without it, I'm waiting this features to subscribe to boomerang.
I think that it would be a better suggestion to add these features to the Agency Plan, but still leave the Franchise Plan, as it is built for a different model.
These features are needed at the Agency level for our clients that have multi-location businesses!
Jack would this feature be sufficient for you? Mike just confirmed to develop it soon
Nadezhda Nagaeva this would be fine for now, but better the franchise plan. we need more locations and the possibility for clients to gather points there