Membership Version 1 Clarification:
A checkbox "Enable Membership v.1" has been added to the template constructor. This option appears when "Collect payments - NO" is selected. When enabled, tiers and limits are not displayed in the scanner or on the front side of cards, and visits are tracked but not deducted. User profiles on the dashboard will still show widgets with tiers and limits, including the reverse side of cards in Apple Wallet (AW) and Google Wallet (GW). This display issue will be addressed.
Visit Deduction via Dashboard:
Added the ability to deduct visits directly through the dashboard.
Accurate Visit Count Display:
Fixed the issue where the visit count in the "Limits" widget remained unchanged after visits were deducted.
Card Name Display Fix:
Corrected the issue where the card name overlapped with the renewal date on the front side of the card.
Unlimited Tier Display:
On cards with an unlimited tier, the visit count now correctly displays as unlimited.
Push Notifications for Subscription Changes:
Implemented push notifications for subscription changes or renewals, ensuring that the card is updated with the latest limits.
Card Expiration Settings Without Auto-Renewal:
Added the option to set an expiration date for cards without auto-renewal.
Visual Improvements in Constructor:
Made several visual enhancements in the template constructor for better usability.